Professional success and personal success: two independent dimensions

All of us chase after success. For majority of us, success means achieving more in life. A better car, a bigger house, a promotion at job or a fancy watch. This particular definition of success pertains to what I call as professional success. Most of the stars, sports people, top shot CEOs and other celebrities that you know are at pinnacle of their professional success. They probably worked very hard to achieve what they have today and are also probably very proud of it. So far, so good.

But, there is another aspect of success. I call it personal success. If you compare two people: one movie star and another middle class office goer, do you really think movie star is more happy than the office goer? Deep inside they both have same happiness scale. In fact, for all the possessions and fame that a movie star has got, he may be actually not as happy as the regular office goer who gets to see his family every day and spend quality time with them. Regular Joe is happy as hell, why should he be ashamed of not being a movie star? ...  Read the entire post →

What matters in life (and what doesn’t)

I’m probably too young to be writing on this topic but observing countless souls distressed by daily life made me think hard on what is that really matters in life. Undoubtedly, there are happy and sad phases and that’s part-and-parcel of life. But what I’m really bothered about is general, daily bitching about how miserable one’s life has become. You find people complaining about work, commute, relationships, other people’s attitudes & personalities, neighbor’s barking dog, lack of parking space, and, heck, some people also feel stressed about how they are unable to install latest iPhone update. Yes, I’m concerned about those people. Are these things really worth stressing about? Allow me to analyze.


Let’s start off by observing what doesn’t matter in life and why. Life would be much better and satisfying if everyone could do away with (or at least de-prioritizes following) two aspects:


  • Material possessions: countless sages have professed it and I completely with them that material possessions are source of most of the stress we face in our daily lives. Modern technology (and compulsion to keep up with it) only makes it much worse. Your car radiator broke down, your phone screen got a crack, you are unable to install USB drivers, or your expensive massage chair needs maintenance. Possessions end up taking over your daily life and you don’t even realize that. Wouldn’t you be much happier and free if you need not bother about constant purchasing, maintaining and discarding of possessions? I’m not advocating complete asceticism but my point here is that it is OK to be still using Windows 98. It is OK to travel by bus or taxi, and not having that fancy car. It is even OK if you don’t posses a phone (or if you have poor network provider, like mine — MTNL). It is OK to be like a free bird without any heavy baggage of material possessions.
  • Ego: the number 1 stress factor you have in your life is no-one but you. The compulsive drive to prove yourself right (and others wrong), the obsession with (financially) outdoing your peers, neighbors & friends, the depression about how you couldn’t score 100% in math exam, the fights over how the wall is painted with the wrong shade of blue, and anger over how a friend misplaced your favorite book. Source of tension and stress in all these situations is not society or the other person you are fighting with, but it is you. In long run, do these little ego fights really matter? Are you enriching your life by these ego fights where either you or someone else ends up feeling bad? Wouldn’t it be much better for all if you started giving less importance to yourself? Maybe it is hard, but just try living a day making yourself unimportant and your life will be much more satisfying (as you can kick your ego aside and you can focus on what really matters in life — see below).
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    Wingify nominated for Red Herring Asia 100 and NASSCOM Emerge 50

    I am happy to announce that we got nominated for not one, but two prestigious awards. The first one is Red Herring Asia 100, where they choose 100 companies from all over Asia who have potential to make it big. The other nomination is for NASSCOM Emerge 50 which choses 50 emerging companies from India in the IT field.

    Red Herring is a widely recognized brand famous for spotting Microsoft during their infancy. On the other hand, NASSCOM is India’s top association of IT industry and is highly regarded for building India’s brand for IT services. I feel lucky to be nominated for these awards. The whole Wingify team (see below, yes we’re 8 people now) deserves to be recognized:


    Please wish us luck for these awards. We have our fingers crossed!

    Stupidity of free markets

    This post is a slight, but important, detour from my usual posts about startups. Today, I watched the documentary Zeitgeist: moving forward. Even though I may not fully agree with the proposed solution, the problems and current flaws of free markets are very real and left a deep impression on me. If you care about the world, do watch the movie once. Here’s what the movie proposes:

    =&0=&. Collapse of mindless consumption and materialism. End of profit-maximization at nature’s expense.

    We humans are too narrow minded to comprehend the fact that the current system isn’t sustainable. The false hope that free markets will eventually take care of us all is a myth. Have they taken care of hungry, dying children in Africa? Have they taken care of species on brink of extinction? Do they really believe Earth’s resources and oil is endless?


    But free markets are getting bailed out. Trillions of dollars spent on bailing them out can be spent curing poverty and hunger, but who will do that? Government officials take a narrow view of their 4 or 5 year term.

    Who will think ahead and see if the current system of free-markets, consumption and wastage is sustainable till, say, 2050? If we don’t act today to stop the stupidity, who will?

    Sadly, there may not be a tomorrow if we don’t act.

    On Internet, you are at mercy of private organizations

    3 days ago our company Twitter account @wingify got suspended. See the screenshot below:

    Screen shot 2011-08-31 at 1.37.51 PM

    It’s sad to see our account being suspended for no good reason (they did not even bother to send us an email). I have gone through their rules and firmly believe we haven’t broken any. We don’t spam, we don’t abuse, we don’t use any bots. We only use Twitter to communicate with our customers and tweet about articles on A/B testing and landing page optimization. Then, why the hell did our account get suspended? The saddest part of the whole episode is that their support hasn’t responded for 3 days. We have emailed, created tickets, tweeted from other accounts but no avail. Beware: =&0=&.

    What’s embarrassing is that our customers and users are asking what’s up. See this tweet (apparently Twitter is still recommending @wingify as a user to follow):

    Screen shot 2011-08-31 at 1.43.04 PM

    Now, what could we possibly reply to this? That =&1=&

    This teaches us a humble lesson that any service we take from granted can be taken away from you. No explanations provided. Be it GMail, Facebook, LinkedIn or Paypal.

    The kick of a startup

    Yesterday, my startup hit a significant milestone: 10,000 total accounts (trial + paid). And last month marked one year anniversary of launching paid plans for Visual Website Optimizer. I think it is a good time to reflect what it means to me and the business.

    Needless to say, I am very happy that we can boast of a small, smart team and big brand customers like Microsoft, Groupon and AMD. However, when I think about it — I was much more excited (and happier) about first 10 paying customers than 10 new paying customers now. Back then when I was launching it, there was an unknown territory to explore and I was a warrior ready to battle the unknown.

    Questions and Euphoria

    Whether it would work? Or, whether I would need to get a job? I still distinctly remember getting the first paid order and delirium it had caused. Even though I had read almost all essays of Paul Graham and absorbed myself into startup world (perhaps) bit too much, the realization that someone was ready to pay for my hacks was an incredible feeling. Then, within first month of launching paid plans, when the revenue surpassed four times my previous market salary, I was ecstatic. Who could have guessed that? The coverage on blogs, feedback from customers, demoing and closing Fortune 500 customers like Microsoft, 10% revenue growth every month, scaling beyond one 512 MB VPS (now we have 30 servers!). It was all new for me; it was exciting! I loved it.

    It can be done!

    Since then, inside me, a thought has been taking life of its own. The thought is an incredibly powerful one; the main essence is: it can be done! Today scaling servers, coverage on a major blog, additional customers and many other aspects doesn’t give the same kick like they used to give me. And, I guess, that’s because the question that I set on to answer via a startup has been answered (to a certain extent — of course, I know tomorrow is unknown). Paul Graham’s essays were theory to me, but Visual Website Optimizer is a practical. The initial euphoria of a startup was because it was a sudden transformation for me: from having a regular job to making (unpredictable and scalable) amount of money even while I am sleeping. Now, I guess, the theoretical question has been answered: it can be done! (And, apparently, it can be done by anyone — no special skills needed.)

    What’s next?

    Well, what’ s next best logical step for my startup? Of course, team will grow, product development wil keep happening (in fact, we are launching a new interface next week) and we may even introduce new products (have exciting ideas – wink, wink). But the theoretical question has been answered and a certain level of satisfaction has set in. What can be the next level of kick for my sweet-little startup? Perhaps doing something that requires another leap of faith and pushes us into the unknown.

    Customer service is not cost of sales. It’s a marketing expense

    We had a horrible experience with Airtel, our Internet provider, today. Our Internet line hasn’t been working since morning, I registered a complaint and was promised it would be fixed by 6:30 pm in the evening. The time passed and when I checked the complaint status, it was marked closed. Asked for an explanation, a customer service representative put me on hold for — drumroll, please — full 15 minutes before I gave up. Their IVRS system is impossible to navigate and you are actually asked to dial a gazzilion numbers before. Internet is full of complaints about Airtel and they recently ranked as worst customer service company in India. I’m surprised how the highly paid bosses don’t realize this or don’t do anything to do this. Baffled, surprised and makes me punch myself.

    Sadly, Airtel is not an exception. Many large companies have impossible customer service processes. What’s even more sad is that this poor customer service experience has become a norm and there are even funny (but true) comics based on this reality. Why can’t be world full of Zappos like companies who believe in delighting the customers?


    I think the primary reason for endemic poor customer service is because management typically includes it under the cost of sales head. Unfortunately, cost of sales is something organizations see as an unwelcome item on their balance sheet. They want to reduce it or better still eliminate it completely. Having more staff in customer service centers means more cost, so they come up with (unintelligent and ultimately frustrating) ways to automate the customer service. They fail at this automation miserably and end up annoying the customers. All this is because customer service is seen as cost of sales, which is wrong in my opinion.


    Ironically, just because poor customer service is endemic, a company can get huge competitive advantage just by having a good customer service. Each customer service interaction leads to either a happy-and-satisfied customer or a frustrated-and-angry customer. Research shows that buying decisions are heavily influenced by peers, friends and family. Advertisements and marketing just creates awareness. It’s ultimately the recommendations that cause people to purchase stuff. And guess what drives recommendations? Product quality and features is one part. The other big part is customer service. No frustrated customer will EVER recommend a service, no matter how many features you cram into it or no matter if you run never ending national TV advertisements.

    The right way to look at customer service is to see it as a form of marketing expense. If every customer service interaction creates a happy customer, it should be seen as an alternative to advertising or marketing. In fact, even if most organizations spend even 10% of their billions of dollars of advertisement budget on customer service, world will be a much better place.

    Humble plea: if any of the big bosses are reading this post, please do your bit to make the organization embrace customer service!

    What’s wrong with Indian startup scene?

    I was at an Indian startup event today and did not enjoy the experience. It felt typical of what Indian startup scene has come to be (it is my perspective, of course. Feel free to disagree). There are two specific things which are wrong about startup scene in India: a) it’s a huge “ego-chamber”; b) most of early stage entrepreneurs are not solving problems for global market.


    Indian startup community is a tightly knit one and ironically it is also one of the biggest disadvantages. In today’s event, I saw entrepreneurs discussing ideas amongst themselves. One would say: “your idea is cool“. The other would respond: “no man, your idea is cool“. You see — perfect ego boosting so that nobody feels bad about their efforts. The tiny startup community in India has absolutely no connection to outside world and the actual customers are least bothered about these startup events. The worst part, in fact, is that since entrepreneurs talk to other fellow entrepreneurs at such events and no body wants to be the bad guy, they end up getting false hopes about coolness of their startup. The only solution to this is getting away from ego-boosting talk at startup events and actually testing your product validity with customers and being ruthless at that.

    Another aspect to this “ego-chamber” is that there are lot of buzzwords that entrepreneurs keep hearing without knowing the full context. People will talk about persistence, distribution channels, cloud computing, social media analytics and what not. But where’s the story I can understand? Who is going to tell me why persistence matters or how distribution channels increased your revenue by 10x? The startup community would throw around all these buzzwords and sadly nobody disagrees or asks for clarification because no body wants to be the bad guy crushing the other entrepreneur’s ego. I say: crush each other’s ego. It’s the last thing you want to have when starting out. Seek criticism.

    =&1=&. Yes, that’s the biggest problem with Indian startup community. For example, if an entrepreneur is working on a social network around Bollywood movies, instead of saying it is cool why can’t you ask: how are you going to make money, without funding how are you going to find initial users, how big is the market, what traction have you got so far and how you honestly think it is the lamest idea ever.


    Internet in India hasn’t still fully matured. People still buy more books in offline stores than online stores. There’s no money in advertising. On Internet, you never have to meet your customers in person and mostly nobody cares if you are based out of India or Mongolia. All they want is a product that delivers value to them. So, why do I see many entrepreneurs solving following problems:

    • Videos aggregator of Indian movies
    • Job tracking system for Indian market
    • ERP solutions for Indian SMEs
    • Vertical search engine for India
    • Event aggregator for Indian events

    Notice that most of the problems are global in nature, so why specifically target Indian market (which isn’t even mature yet). Why don’t you launch your product for US, UK, Europe or Australia? An excuse could be that you haven’t got a product to compete globally but that’s a poor excuse. Improve your product and make it globally competitive. What’s stopping you? Another excuse could be lack of funding. Well if you are ready to launch without funding in India, why can’t you launch without funding in San Francisco? It costs practically the same to launch a job tracking system in US. All you have to do is to run some targeted AdWords campaigns. (Just an example but my point is that launching is nothing fancy. You have to see where most of your customers are and launch there instead of launching and remaining only in India)

    Please answer me: =&3=&

    If you can’t answer this, better gear up your product to compete Internationally. There’s a vast market out there!

    Startup: an emotional roller coaster ride

    February was a great month for my startup (Visual Website Optimizer). All metrics that you can care about worked in our favo. Increase in number of customers, revenues, users (and yes, Twitter followers too). We also hired our first employee and are looking forward to hiring 2 more. (Please apply if you are in Delhi and someone you know is in Delhi and wants to work with us).

    If everything seems great, why do I call this an emotional roller coaster? Well, that’s because just like a real roller coaster there is always a lingering fear that we may not be in existence 12 months down the line. When established companies such as MySpace with hundreds of employees face uncertainty, how can our small team afford to be complacent.

    In a single day, we get to see so many emotions. Consider my typical work day:

  • Wake up at 10 am (read below why I wake up at 10 am, we work from India during US hours since most of our customers are in US and UK). Check emails for an hour or so.
  • Worst feeling ever: 2 customers want to cancel accounts. One says they will resume account in 3 months after they revamp their website. Other says we are bit expensive. Sh*t, if customers keep cancelling accounts we will be out of business soon!.
  • Best feeling ever: wuhuu!! Smashing Mag tweeted about our new case study, 30 new trial signups and 4 trial users upgraded last night. Wow, one of them chose our $729/month enterprise plan. Life couldn’t be better.
  • Eat breakfast, dress up and reach office about 12:30 pm
  • Reality kicks in: duh, 15 new support emails to reply. Think: how can we reduce ever growing support load so we can focus on product. Team and me gets to work on solving support.
  • Clear up inbox by 2 pm. Bored, what to do next?
  • Open todo list and see pending tasks. OK, so today I need to write a new case study on our blog, write a guest post for another blog, design a feedback survey and write a newsletter. Phew! that’s a lot of work for today.
  • It’s OK to procrastinate a bit. Before diving into work, open Hacker News. 30 minutes pass in a blink of an eye.
  • Real work: write case study and publish it (1 hour). Write a newsletter and send it using Mailchimp (30 minutes)
  • 5 pm: time for lunch. The team hangs out at one of the restaurants nearby. Wonder why don’t they change menu. God knows I am sick of eating Dal-Roti Thali (Noth Indian) or Noodles (Chinese) or Idli-Vada (South Indian).
  • Back from lunch: life is bad, 2 people flagged newsletter as spam (we are not spammers. we follow don’t be evil and newsletter was informative and, heck, had a clear Unsubscribe button.). Life is also good, the case study published today got 50 retweets with 150 visitors on the website right now!
  • 5:30 pm have evening tea and see calendar for appointments today.
  • OK great, have two one hour long demos on Webex. One with a Fortune 500 company, another with a web agency. Meanwhile, more mails in inbox. Clearing up inbox takes time.
  • 6:30 pm: phew, time for business strategy and product planning. We need to hire more perople, think how to find hackers / programmers in Delhi? Fire a few emails for job postings. We need to introduce a new feature: behavioral targeting. Discuss with team, draft a plan, set timelines. What about our SEO, analytics and A/B tests? Fire up Google Analytics and Visual Website Optimizer. Check how we are doing on different fronts. How are we doing on paid traffic front? Fire up Adwords and Facebook Ads and see performance of campaigns. We are losing money on Adwords! Pause them for a while.
  • It is 8:30 pm already and I have a demo at 9 pm (about 11 am EST)! Rush to home.
  • At home, it is 9 pm so I give 1 hour long demo to Fortune 500 company via webex. They are impressed and may sign up soon. Holy smokes, thank god.
  • 10 pm: have dinner in a rush. OMG, have a demo at 10:30 pm too! How can I forget it?
  • It is 10:30 pm – another 1 hour long demo via webex. Think: why can’t these guys simply watch a video or signup for free 30 day trial. Visual Website Optimizer is pretty straightforward so why do they need a demo. Anyway, demo over. They say they will signup for $49/month. Duh, should I feel happy?
  • 11:30 pm – chat with the team. They inform that today our servers broke records and are doing a peak performance of 730 requests per second. OMG, need to add one more server ASAP. Sparsh (our CTO) purchases a new server from Linode and configures it. It is ready to be deployed. Work with the team for the whole time to ensure there is no downtime. It’s 1 am already. The new server is up and ready. Phew, life is good! Our servers are processing more than 1 billion pageviews per month. A momentary feeling of pride.
  • 1 am: more mails. People want to schedule demos, feature requests, billing questions, advice on what to test, partnerships, discounts and special offers.
  • 2 am: time for some entertainment. Check Hacker News, Oatmeal, read a book and watch some funny videos / TV shows.
  • 2:30 am – sleep! (Still having some nagging feelings: will our revenue increase next month? how can we increase active usage?)
  • 2:30 am to 10 am: get new product and feature ideas in dreams (just joking! barring a few days when a US customer calls at an odd Indian hour, I usually sleep well)
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    What Facebook needs? A killer search engine

    Let’s face it: many of us are addicted to Facebook. It has all our friends, apps, games, instant chat, groups and what not. In fact, for the younger generation, it is the first (and only website) they visit in a day. I know several people for whom the world revolves around Facebook. They don’t check email as often they check Facebook. And some don’t check email for weeks as all their communication needs are served by Facebook. However, even those people need to visit Google every now and then to search what they are looking for.


    Now that would be killer feature. Facebook becomes your start page and you no longer need to go outside Facebook to do your search and the website truly consolidates all activities an average Internet user needs to do on day to day basis. Financially, it makes sense for Facebook to go the search engine route because in current form Facebook ads don’t perform that well for advertisers. That’s because currently users on Facebook are in socializing mood and thus don’t tend to click on ads and buy stuff. However, that will change with Facebook search engine because users will then be in search/buy mode and just like Google, Facebook can serve contextual ads.

    I think Facebook has a decent chance in developing a better search engine than Google because it will be able to customize search results according to users likes and wants. Google doesn’t have as much insight into my personal life as Facebook has. If Facebook doesn’t want to develop a search engine from the scratch, may be it can license search technology from Bing and just customize search results for the user.

    All in all, Facebook search engine looks like a killer idea to me. Is anyone at Facebook listening?