Synthetic Biology makes (bio) diesel

The genetically modified bacteria ( [i]E. coli[/i] ) have been successfully engineered to produce biodiesel from glucose and plant oils. This could be used as an alternative to normal diesel fuels, thus off-setting greenhouse emissions. And in contrast t...

The Virus Transistor

In yet another demonstration of weird but appropriate fusion of biology with other scientific areas, researchers have combined tobacco mosaic virus with platinum nanoparticles. This created super-fast transistors.


The bliss of ignorance…

Ignorance towards the global warming, population explosion, sadness, terrorism, ozone layer thinning, poverty....

Ignorance towards the fact that our lifespans are insignificant in front of the grander design...

Ignorance towards the purpos...

End of Science?

John Horgan argues that the [URL=]pure science has ended[/URL]. Full Stop.

I don't understand how one can call the end of pure science when we have huge gaps in basic knowledge such as the [i]or...

God and Evolution

I don't know if they are mutually incompatible, but Richard Dawkins certainly thinks so. See [URL][/URL] for an excellent interview of his on the same topic.

PS: I am a (Atheist...