I am an ENTP

What's that? Well, ENTP means Extraverted iNtuitive Thinking Perceiving. I took this online personality test recommed by Jonathan Dugan. I am highlighting some of the basic features of an ENTP.


Game Theory and Cancer

Do these things have anything in common? If you think no, then think again because the genius lies in connecting unconnected concepts in a meaningful manner. Robert Axelrod, a political scientist at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, US, has applie...

Perl V/S Python

There is much hype (or truth? ) around the net that [URL=http://www.perl.com/]Perl[/URL] is THE language for bioinformatics. Having already learnt and programmed in [URL=http://www.python.org/]Python[/URL], I somehow feel that the claims made by any prog...

Digital Evolution

Have you heard of the names [URL=http://www.his.atr.jp/~ray/tierra/]Tierra[/URL], [URL=http://dllab.caltech.edu/avida/]Avida[/URL] or [URL=http://www.greythumb.org/twiki/bin/view/GreyThumb/Nanopond]Nanopond[/URL]? If you are an evolutionary biologist (or...

Plants show evolvability!

A group of researchers have "accidentaly" found that the plant [i]Arabidopsis[/i] can pass on its ability for greater homologous recombination in case of stressed environment to its offsprings. It is quite intruiging because this increased tendency for...