[URL=http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v445/n7126/full/445369a.html]This article[/URL] argues that the terms species, organism or the evolution itself might not be valid in the world of microbes. ...
All posts in Biology
A bacteria living inside mitochondria…
[URL=http://www.the-scientist.com/article/home/36660/]Check out this interesting article[/URL]. I wonder how much more is left in Nature's kitty to discover. Now, they have discovered a bacterium living inside a mitochindrium. Its wonderful to see that ...
Protein Structure Prediction using Python
Hi All,
In reference to our paper tittled "[i]Evolved cellular automata for protein secondary structure prediction imitate the determinants for folding observed in nature[/i]", we are happy to inform you that we have made the [b]source code and ...
Almost 1000 Molecular Biology Databases
If you are a bioinformation (or a computational biologist), you either would already be knowing this or would thank me for telling this -- [i]Nulciec Acids Research[/i] has come up with thier annual listing of molecular biology databases. This time they ...
I am at NCBS
If you are wondering why am I posting after so long then the short answer is [i]"I was (or rather am) busy"[/i]. I am here at [URL=www.ncbs.res.in]National Center for Biological Studies[/URL], Bangalore for one month winter internship under [URL=http:/...
Evolved cellular automata for protein secondary structure prediction
Hi All,
I am happy to inform you that my research paper titled "[B]Evolved cellular automata for protein secondary structure prediction imitate the determinants for folding observed in nature[/B]" has been published in the journal In Silico Biol...
Mathematical model of tumor growth and evolution
[URL=http://blogs.zdnet.com/emergingtech/?p=427]Here is a news story[/URL] covering the article on tumor growth titled: "[URL=http://www.cell.com/content/article/fulltext?uid=PIIS0092867406013481]Tumor Morphology and Phenotypic Evolution Driven by Selec...
A site (just like this one) dedicated to Biohacking. Check it out at: http://biohackery.com ...
Classical Papers in Genetics
This can be a source of inspiration for biohackers. The website has a collection of classical papers in genetics (Mendel, Morgan - the site has it all). Check out: http://www.esp.org/foundations/genetics/classical/ ...
Noise as the basis of complex decision making?
Read [URL=http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2006/11/061112094812.htm]this interesting news[/URL]. It may be relevant to AI theorists and experimenters. ...