More Answers than Questions…

While reading the book “Bioinformatics – A Beginner’s Guide”, I came across an intruiging paragraph. I thought I would share it would with you.

“” Sometimes browsing the Internet gives one the depressing feeling that everything has been done by others and that it us all over “” (How true! This is the most prominent feeling of mine these days) “” This may be True. Now that the whole world talks together, it is clear that there is a finite number of interesting questions to ask. This is the bad news.” ๐Ÿ™ “” The Good news is that there are many more answers than there are questions!” ๐Ÿ™‚ “Never exclude the hypothesis that your answer may be the best in universe “” This surely give me a lot of hope…

So, now answers are floating on the internet, I just have to frame appropriate questions from them.


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