Virus hacked to act as an electronic capacitor

Researchers have successfully hacked the spherical property of the mosaic virus to their advantage. They have used the readily available spherical surface of the virus to anchor iron atoms to make a nanoparticle. The iron atoms on the surface can store electrical charge, hence the hybrid of virus-iron can act as capacitor.

All these developments in the arena of biohacking are redefining the limits of biology. Now would you credit the novelty of new device to the scientists who made it or to the nature who provided spherical surface essential for the device. This question is more fundamental than it seems. With the fusion of biology as nature wants it with the technology as we want it, new hopes plus fears will arise. These issues will be totally unknown until they actually pop into existence. And that is because our mind is not conditioned to realize biology sans carbon.

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P.S: The new age of biology is going to be quite un-obvious and will completely surprise sci-fi writers.