Why Exams?

We really hate exams. We don’t understand the purpose of exams. Why don’t those guys believe that we relish knowledge. So testing us for that is an assault on our pride.

Exams test for knowledge. But what are they exactly testing for: generalizations or facts. I believe memorizing facts is waste of resources and time. So the exams should not test particular knowledge, rather it should be a test of whether a person is sufficiently intelligent to generalize the knowledge. I believe exams should employ some practical means to achieve this. Give us a project and let us work on that. But please don’t assign grades on the projects. We are the best judges of our work and know its worth.

Appeal: Ban the exams

On Behalf of all people like me,
Paras Chopra



  1. hi…

    do not worry about exams…

    imagine u have studied a topic 10 years back, and u have repeated studying that 2 to 10 times before ur exam…

    u can remember the topic roundabouts now…if there were no exams, how can u recall?…

    ok, here i wanna tell u sth…
    there r most talented students from India, specially from South India…We were developed intelectually because our education systems…

    so keep supporting the exams…
    u can say it is good for students from India (more than 75%)

    have fun

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