Ques: What is BioHacking? Ans: Well, BioHacking is the art of hacking the biology. Simple, isnt it? See, nature has mastered some of the best ways of doing things. On a cellular level, you can observe a hell lot of complicated but efficient logistics....
All posts in Biology
Synthetic Life
I really liked the word "engineering-minded biologists"
Check out the link by the way:
Click Here to view article ...
Bioprinter!!! Wow
Check it out:
People are doing great things these days. Printing organs from a printer.... ...
Identitiy of a biological cell
Why does a cell exist?
See, cell after its division ceases to exist for itself. The two daughter cells are not the cell itself. So what benefit does the division of cells exist.
This is more on a philosophical note than the biological one....
Micro-organisms may be turned into nano-circuitry
Check out this link:
http://www.newscientist.com/article.ns?id=dn8105&feedId=online-news_rss20 ...
Interesting things about biology
Random list of fascinating bio-stuff:
1. Synthetic Biology: Engineering organisms from the scratch. Playing God. (Intresting area of reasearch)
2. Mollicutes: creatures so small they contain only a billion atoms
3. Biobricks: Buildin...
Biology is the reason
Samir Kumar in one of his comments asked:
"Why does man want to go to the next level? Why does he want to succeed? Why the greed? Couldn't he survive successfully before inventing machines? Couldn't he provide himself all needed pleasures witho...
Intelligent Bacteria..
I'm quite intrigued by the thought that the group of bacteria is analogous to a neural network. That is, even though a single bateria is dumb but collectiveley they show "swarm intelligence".
And also what is more astonishing is that the collec...
New article: Protein design
Protein Design: Automated protein discovery and synthesis
See the article here:
[URL]http://www.paraschopra.com/articles/protein-design/protein-design.php[/URL] ...
Evolution – a balance of two forces
Evolution is a balance of two oppossing forces: 1. One wants diversification of life 2. Second wants the preservation of the best creature
The goal of the evolution is thr produce better and better creatures with time. But new better creatur...