Welcome to BioHacking

Ques: What is BioHacking? Ans: Well, BioHacking is the art of hacking the biology. Simple, isnt it? See, nature has mastered some of the best ways of doing things. On a cellular level, you can observe a hell lot of complicated but efficient logistics....

Interesting things about biology

Random list of fascinating bio-stuff:

1. Synthetic Biology: Engineering organisms from the scratch. Playing God. (Intresting area of reasearch)

2. Mollicutes: creatures so small they contain only a billion atoms

3. Biobricks: Buildin...

Intelligent Bacteria..

I'm quite intrigued by the thought that the group of bacteria is analogous to a neural network. That is, even though a single bateria is dumb but collectiveley they show "swarm intelligence".

And also what is more astonishing is that the collec...