What Hackers Need to Learn

To someone with a hammer, everything looks like a nail.

More than for anyone else, this is most true for hackers. If they have learnt a new technology or a new methodology, they subconsciously hunt for where they can apply that new-new thing. When they have a so-called epiphany, they work like asses to come up with self-contained solution, which they like to call as a startup. Then they enter into a cocoon thinking that auto-magically their startup will be next big thing and probably change the world.  ...  Read the entire post โ†’

Vote for my Startup Kroomsa: Music for Help

I’ve been nominated for the TATA NEN Hottest Startups awards. Brought to you by National Entrepreneurship Network and TATA Group, in association with Helion, Mint, Seedfund and Wadhwani Foundation, it is India’s only community-chosen awards for Indian start-ups.

Vote for my startup Kroomsa (http://kroomsa.com/) online at NEN Hottest Startups or via sms by smsing HOT71 to 56767 (Indian numbers only!)

Looking forward to your support.

The Indian Version of Hacker News

All you Indian hackers and startuppers out there, are you tired of trying to find a community where you could be yourself? Are you tired of keeping track of all the bewildering number of developments in the startup scene in India? Do you have the word “entrepreneur” written all over the place?

Well, enough. I’m proud to announce the Indian Version of Hacker News at http://news.startuplogic.com/. I hope this place can blossom into a healthy community and for that I would require your help.  ...  Read the entire post โ†’

How to Start an Online Business

I am releasing the guide titled ‘How to Start an Online Business: 11,520 Free Resources for the Internet Entrepreneur‘ for free.

This 40 page guide is a massive (11,520 to be precise) compilation of free to access resources on how to start an online business. These internet resources take the form of tips, tricks, tools, techniques, advice, tutorials, tests, blog posts, articles and guides.

The guide takes you through different phases of starting an online business, right from generating a business idea to implementing and marketing it and later growing your business. To best of my author’s knowledge, no other guide contains such a huge list of resources and is so comprehensive that everyone (from newbies to professionals) is going to find something useful in it. ...  Read the entire post โ†’

For Entrepreneurs: Why and How to Network?

Every successful (or even unsuccessful) entrepreneur says that number one priority for people like him should to be network like mad. In fact, at a recent event Proto.in, I actually saw this in practice.

So why do entrepreneurs network so vigorously? Well, some studies show that 70% of the deals funded come through referrals. Some VCs even insist that all the business plans that come to them directly (through email) usually end up going to either spam or trash folder. Neither folder is a good destination. So moral of the story is: if you *ever* want to get venture funding in your life make sure you know a couple of people who know VCs. And what better way to know these people except going to conferences, having a chat and then exchanging business cards with them. ...  Read the entire post โ†’

New Features in MyJugaad.in – Slideshow for Webpages

I am very proud to announce you that we have developed a whole lot of new features in MyJugaad.in. Some of them are the following:

  • The Search Zone. Now you can search the web, blogs, images and videos from MyJugaad.in and watch results as a slideshows. The feature uses Yahoo, Google, Flickr and Youtube for powering the search.
  • Instant Creation of Slideshow. On the main page, just enter the feed URL and a slideshow is generated. No need to register!
  • Sleeker Navigation Bar. If you haven’t checked the new slideshow interface, you are surely missing an experience. The navigation bar of the slideshow is sleeker and cooler than ever.
  • The Best New Feature: Embed Slideshows on your Blog/Website. Just grab embed code from the desired slideshow and paste it in your blog. Check below to see how the embedded slideshow looks like.

By the way, MyJugaad.in has had excellent reviews from numerous websites. Some of them are KillerStartups, DesiStartups and Anti Social Development. If you too can help us by spreading the word, nothing like it!

Do check out the new features and let us know how you find them. Your feedback is sincerely appreciated. ...  Read the entire post โ†’

Mnemonic Dictionary: A Quick Review

A quick review of Mnemonic Dictionary:

  • Concept: Interesting. When I prepared for GRE, I used mnemonics extensively. So, thumbs up to the team for actualizing this concept of creating and sharing mnemonics for difficult words.
  • Team: Seems to be dedicated to me. While I must admit that initially I thought that the website is a hobbyist venture, now I feel that it is on a solid footing.
  • Revenue Model: It seems that their primary source of revenue is through advertisements. But it is interesting to note that they offer one-to-one sessions for GRE preparation. I wonder who is the tutor on the other end. Founders themselves?
  • Target Audience: Clearly Indian students preparing for GRE, GMAT or CAT. Most of the mnemonics include Indian connotations.
  • Suggestions: Rely on advertisements for revenue to a minimal level. Offline version of mnemonic dictionary. A better looking website. A section for mnemonics which are universal in nature (that is, the ones which are not just for Indians).
  •  ...  Read the entire post โ†’