Update: 23rd November 2014. Struck a few more items (Only 2.5 years remaining to complete the rest. So. much. pressure.)
Update: 6th November 2011. Yay, striking off a few items of the list
The aim of this post is to list 30 things which I would want to do before I turn 30 (I turned 21 yesterday). Got inspired by this and this. So, here goes my list (in no particular order):
Learn to play Electric Guitar and start my own Rock band
Write a novel on my philosophy of life (Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance style) (Wrote a 100+ page book on ramblings on Philosophy, titled ‘Mind, will you shut the fuck up?’)
Start a startup incubator (Ycombinator style)
Start my own (successful) startup (see
Go to the moon (I know it sounds crazy!)
Earn Rs 100 crore (I know this sounds naive!)
Read thoroughly
The Road to Reality
Publish a paper in Science or Nature
Reduce India’s poverty by at least 10%
Produce something creatively viral (I guess
some posts that I wrote will qualify for that?)
Travel backpacking across Western Europe (Partially done. Did a road trip in Montenegro in Oct 2011; Netherlands, France, Switzerland, Italy in 2012)
Make a truly creative Artificial Intelligence program that can learn and perhaps pass the Turing Test
Make a short-and-slick movie that earns more than what it takes to produce it
Sponsor my parents’ world trip (I really really would want to do this) (yay! they’ve been to many, many places now)
Learn a foreign language (preferably Spanish)
Live for a year or so in Silicon Valley (doing an MBA/MS at Stanford perhaps?) (was there for a couple of months; realized the oppurtunity is here back in India)
Read entire Calvin and Hobbess collection (Bought the collection and started reading it)
Do Skydiving and Bungee Jumping
Spend a year or so at MIT AI Lab
Buy a (small) country (it is not impossible)
Read all the popular books on Philosophy, Psychology, AI, Sociology, and Cosmology (Ongoing effort…)
(My secret wish) Spend sometime somewhere without spending a penny from my own pocket
Produce a truly breath taking theory (in the leagues of Theory of Evolution, Relativity and Gravity
Travel to at least 30 different countries
Being featured in a good business magazine (Featured in a few already)
Being admired by businessmen, scientists and students (
cough ... Read the entire post โ