The Mystery behind Genetic Code

The genetic code of most of organism is same. I believe that nature doesn't do anything for random. Then why is the genetic code the way it is? There has to be some purpose behind it. I mean why there are 3 stop codons (UAA, UAG, UGA) and just one star...

The Future of Computing

See [URL=]Nature's Special issue[/URL] on Future of Computing. I will read it soon and make sure you read it too. Stay updated with the future. ...

Why Exams?

We really hate exams. We don't understand the purpose of exams. Why don't those guys believe that we relish knowledge. So testing us for that is an assault on our pride.

Exams test for knowledge. But what are they exactly testing for: generalisa...

Bacteria V/S Bacteria

Researches are planning to pit "good" bacteria against "bad" bacteria [i]salmonella[/o]. I must admit, this is also one of the biohacks which can save lives (of chickens). The good bacteria essentialy fights by not fighting. Well, this means they get...