Bizzare Universe

What is the fate of our universe ultimately? Does the fate keeps changing as we make up new theories? Now, a [URL=]new (weird) hypothesis[/URL] for the fate of our univers...

End of Science?

John Horgan argues that the [URL=]pure science has ended[/URL]. Full Stop.

I don't understand how one can call the end of pure science when we have huge gaps in basic knowledge such as the [i]or...

Game Theory and Cancer

Do these things have anything in common? If you think no, then think again because the genius lies in connecting unconnected concepts in a meaningful manner. Robert Axelrod, a political scientist at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, US, has applie...

Do you have GUTs in you?

Is the Grand Unified Theory really elusive? No, I don't mean combining General Relativity with Quantum Mechanics. I mean some theory which thousand times more subtle and has equal importance as the grand unified theory of physics which would explain eve...