What is Synthetic Biology?

Once upon a time there was a branch known as chemistry. It was/is the study of substances obtained from the living organisms. It was a hit-and-trail approach for studying compounds. The field was restricted to mainly organic substances. But, then slowly ...

Welcome to BioHacking

Ques: What is BioHacking? Ans: Well, BioHacking is the art of hacking the biology. Simple, isnt it? See, nature has mastered some of the best ways of doing things. On a cellular level, you can observe a hell lot of complicated but efficient logistics....

Mmm. It is del.icio.us

I am browsing http://del.icio.us these days.. It is great way to find intersting information over the net. It think I'll prefer it over the google..

But there is an interesting observation here.. Most of the recently bookmarked pages by people ar...