Crtitical Consciousness

Since consiousness cannot be verified to be present in a machine therefore machine can ever be conscious but definitely it can aim to achieve something near about this consciousness. Let us call that state “Critical Consciousness�. Thus th...

The relative theory of consciousness

The consciousness is not absolute but it is relative. The consciousness is how we perceive the world and respond to it. You are conscious because you feel your presence in the world through the environment’s reaction. Do you think a fish is consci...

The law of Consciousness

The law of Consciousness

Consider that you want to code software which is conscious. Then there is no method through which you can verify that the software is conscious. This is because of mind-body problem. Even if the software considers itself a...

What if terrorists become immortal?

One thing which I haven't thought out... and it struck me this evening.. What are we going to do with the OSAMA-BIN-LADENs and other deadly terrorists and anti-social elements who will or can attain immortality... They wont die then, what are we going t...